Monthly Archives: September 2017

Wednesday, Sept 27, 2017

Wish I could say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I haven’t heard anything definitive from the doctors.

The bronchoscopy yesterday showed bacteria, so now we wait until we know what kind of bacteria. Hopefully this is the root cause of all the coughing.  The viruses are continuing their downhill climb, thank God.  He is very weak and our goal today is to get him walking 2 times.  HA!  Yesterday it took 2 of us just to get him from the bed to the bathroom, with a walker.  It was like watching a documentary of someone learning how to walk after losing use of their legs.

Please continue to pray for us.  I wish you knew how much we need you.


Where we are

We are at OU Medical Center in OKC, our home-away-from-home.  We have been here since September 11 fighting viruses. All treatable. Poor john has been xrayed, poked, prodded, examined,  and questioned; just trying to figure him out. He is very weak. Getting lots of medicine.  And lots of doctors’ knowledge ! What a gift.

Boy, I just read that paragraph and it sounds sooo gloomy. We are tired and ready to come home, but we are NOT defeated.  This quick trip to the doctor that we thought would entail a possible 2 day stay has turned into a 2 week plus stay.  

I will try and update more often. Thank you so very much for thinking about us and praying for us.  We are able to face whatever comes because of our hope in Christ, who sends us strength by the prayers of others. 

I heard the song “In Christ Alone” this morning.  Man, that is a good song!